Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 8 in Korea

Countdown: 107 days.

 I attended class for "Movie and Society". This module is ultra slack. 3 assignments over the course of 13 weeks and the mid term exam is just a discussion. We have to write 2 assignment papers on the movies (films) we have watched and evaluate them in 2-3 pages (wow!!). The lecture is supposed to end in 2 hours, but this week is first week, so cut short to 1 hour!!

I hang out with Enazi, Malaz and Simuel for lunch this noon @ the one and only (boring) cafeteria in school. I had Fried Rice with Gimchi and Tuna (ultra spicy, but not so bad). I forgot to take photo, but this dish is going into my dislike list. Afterward Enazi borrowed his bike to me and I agreed to help him topup to full tank.

Now I am back in my room and I am blogging and chatting with my *ahem*. Oh, she sent me some nice photos we took before I came to Korea. I will upload them for your perusal and you will realize how lucky a guy I was and will be. I am gonna head out soon with Enazi and company, probably to town or something; will post more stuffs later.

In the evening...

Enazi is a gre8 guy. He brought me round to get a mobile phone so I can use it, but the variety isn't that much so I decide not to buy it yet. We then head down to ALI BABA TREASURE, woohoo the best restaurant I have been to in Korea since I came 8 days ago. It is opened by an Algerian guy who is currently part studying as a researcher in KAIST. He stays in France and he is a uber rich dude and he don't really care if he makes a profit out of his restaurant. He just loves cooking and enjoys seeing people satisfied. He is quite rugged for a guy of his age, but he is really a casanova. To you who is reading this blog (you know who you are), I wished I could spend this dinner with u because the setting is so romantic with warm lights and some candles + the special Arabian scent.

We went to the Shisha House again to look for Mr Fred again. This time I tried the Cinnamon Cappuccino while Enazi had his usual Chai Tea Latte. A pity I did not bring my camera out cuz I keep taking photos but I did not charge the poor fella. Better luck next time.

Anyway, I am back in my room already. So tired, waiting to shower and probably take a break then sleep. Tomorrow is the WEEKEND!! Time to partay!!

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