Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day 9 in Korea

Countdown: 106 days.

Today is what I would term as the most boring Saturday in my entire human living on this planet. I ask Enazi to bring me around, he just murmurs to himself and started taking me to places i don't wanna go - all the places I have been before. Enazi doesn't seem to have any more clues about where are the happening places in Daejeon.

Good thing that I found Coffee Bean cafe near the Starbucks Coffee and I ordered a flavour that Singapore doesn't have - Green Tea Ice Blended!! Small cup - 5500 won (equivalent to SGD $7.50). Wow~ Also, their service is damn good. They got a beeper that they give to you upon purchase of any coffee, then you bring the beeper back to your table. When your latte or whatever order is ready, they will beep you and your beeper will light up and vibrate. How awesome!! I went with Muugii to chill, but he doesn't wanna try the coffee. Sad guy - he don't know how to enjoy life. I saw a girl who looked similar to Li Shi (from KR). Have a look.

Oh, today I have also been to what Singaporeans would have called - Takashimaya. But for the Koreans, it is called Time World and today is its grand opening. How lucky!! I was just in the region. They have all the fashion apparels and accessories and cosmetics and sports stuffs and kids stuffs and movie theatre - all in one complex!! It is gonna be my favorite hangout for now.

Also I tried a new Korean food today - Gimbap (Rice fried with Korean spices, seaweed and peppermint leaves). Good stuffs. After that, we went to Hollys Coffee (hmm, I think coffee joint seem to be the favorite thing in Korea)!! As usual, I ordered Green Tea Latte and it is FREE OF CHARGE cuz Enazi treat me to drink (I think Sher Yum would kill to be in my position).

Okie, I am too tired to blog anymore. Maybe tomorrow.

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