Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 10 in Korea

Countdown: 105 days.

Early morning, I was invited by Muugii's teacher's friend to attend a Korean church service in Yuseong. The service is very family style and the pastor (knowing that Muugii and I don't understand Korean), requested the P.A. crew to translate the message in english. Woah~ I feel like a VIP man!! It is a baptist church so the way they conduct the service is a little different from what we do in Bethesda (brethren church). After service, I was invited to have lunch fellowship with them, of which I saw many disabled children joining in. I then realized that this pastor setup the church 5 years ago and because he was also a disabled person, he opened up the church as a centre to take in these kids and care for them during the weekdays. A very noble person.

Muugii and I then head back to dormitory where we chilled and rest. In the evening, I went to school to look for Enazi and we had cheap pizzas, potato wedges and fries. We met Malcolm along the way - a very cool Saudi Arabian casanova who owns an apartment here in Daejeon and a Hyundai coupe!! Power~

Nothing much to do on a Sunday evening since tomorrow is school day so we head back to ICU Munji dormitory to play a game of pool and now I am here blogging.


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