Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 11 in Korea

Countdown: 104 days.

Okie, today is a rainy day and I got no classes today because thanks to ICU, my subjects and schedules are all screwed up now. Sucky life!! I came to school in the morning to work out @ the gym because I figured if I keep eating and not working out, I will turn into a fat pig in the later part of the year. Shape up or ship out!!

I headed back to dormitory to shower and get changed and smell good before going to meet my Asst Professor (of Engineering), accompanied by Mr Jung Il (pronounced as Jungle) Lee. We discussed the issues about my subjects and like after half an hour of debate and complaints, he finally agreed to work out something for me. Just at this moment, I received good news from my faculty administrator, Arifah that 2 of my modules are not approved for mapping, but they can map them to a dummy code module and write it off as my elective. Praise God!! Also, 1 other elective module has been successfully mapped over, so now I got 3 down with 2 more to go.

After that, I was cordially invited by friends to attend CF @ the basement of the school. It was fun time to meet other christians from all around the world and the first person that caught my eye was this really beautiful worship leader and her name is Becky. She reminded me of this close colleague/buddy I used to have when I was younger (her name is Yixian or I would prefer to call her XianXian). The entire meeting was really great and I get to make new friends as well; friends I have seen in school but never really spoke to. What a coincident?

It is still raining cats and dogs outside and the weather is getting chill-ier these days. I am gonna hang out for awhile before heading back to dormitory - the student prison!! ARGH!!

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