Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 13 in Korea

Countdown: 102 days.

Okie, today is my free day so I decide to laze a little in bed till 1pm before heading out to school for lunch. I went to the gym to work out @ 2pm til 2:45pm. After that, I went to Mr Jung Il Lee office to redo my course registration. Lucky I met Enazi in school and got his motorbike, so I drove to E Mart and did some grocery shopping - bought bread, ham and milk just in case i feel hungry in the middle of the night. I was searching high and low for a sepak takraw ball, but to no avail. Let's hope I won't get rusty for IHG. I went back to dormitory to put down all the barang barang before coming back to school to attend an English meeting for all students. They call it SAFE, but actually I don't know the full name for it. It was nice hanging out with Korean students and lecturers who can speak good (and fluent) english. I made a couple more "funky" friends who know where are all the hotspots for nightly hangout!! AWESOME DUDE~!! I got treated to free dinner, as well as desserts. Woohoo~ This sure is a good club eh!!

I followed the students back to their dormitory on-campus, played a couple of table tennis and pool with them before coming back into this inferno-like computer lab to blog. Pretty much for a day and no pictures today as well...

I forgot the cammie!!

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