Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 18 in Korea

Countdown: 97 days.

Hmm I just love Monday and Wednesday because they are my free days!! Yahoo!! Although it is my free day, but I am determined not to let the day past without doing anything, so I got up in the noon and went straight to school to print out my "Game Theory" assignment + study ahead of the course schedule to get a better understanding. Also, I have to fulfill 20 hours of community service work at a Day Care Centre just behind my school for a module I am taking - Social Service.

I met Min Chul (a Korean student who is volunteering as well) at the centre and I was given my task for the day - (1) play soccer with the kids and (2) do the dishes. The first task seems fun as we had a lot of shouting and screaming and cheering and booing on the pitch when I interacted with the kids. Though I did not understand them and they did not really understand me, but I guess fun and laughter are universal language across borders, cultures and countries that need not be spoken because it is something we all feel most of the time. I really love the kids, they are smaller than I am, they are childish but I find it such a joy to hang out with them; it is like they have been my homies from way back then. Maybe I am just a kid stuck in a grown up body. After that, I returned to the centre to help washed the dishes. Man, this is the tough part because I seldom do my dishes and this is a good lesson in humility, a very smelly and dirty, but well it helped me understand how other dish washers feel when they have to do it everyday. I feel so fortunate.

Time for me to leave, I met Enazi in school and he brought me to town area to look for a mobile. Along the way, he kinda "stalk" a ChungNam University student (as shown in the picture). I mean, in all my years of experience, I would never ever go near a girl who is standing all by herself in the middle of the street because I don't believe in that kind of stuffs. But for Enazi, haix!! He can't control himself.

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