Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 33 in Korea

Countdown: 82 days.

Wah today started with a huge disaster. I was 25 minutes late for my Game Theory test and I had to chiong cab down to school to finish the last 15 to 20 minutes of the test. Lucky for me, the lecturer is supah nice so he allowed me to finish a little later. Ho seh, 70 marks 3 questions and I didn't manage to complete question 1 (20 marks). If I can pass, it must be Him who is at work in me. As usual, in class I would steal some glances at Hye Ji. She is too adorable to be missed and she is sitting diagonally left of me. I can feel my heart pounding so heavily and when she turns her head, I would shy away and look into other directions. What a wuss!!

After class, I met Yong Han and the rest of the guys @ the school cafeteria for lunch before going to the lab of brain damage where I did my lab work for Intro to Multimedia. The VC++ codes are gonna finish me off soon. I was coding and coding and time just fly me by in an instant. I had to go for my lecture @ 2:30pm and it is in that same ol' room and that same ol' lecturer doing the same ol' boring stuffs again. To my horror, next week got class quiz. Wah, sian... 1 quiz ended and another pops out!! Great... Now I need to mug again...

After class, I went back to the lab to do my coding and I can't seem to solve them, so in the end, the time came for dinner and I had BBQ pork with rice, sat down and discuss a script with Melodie (pronounced as Melody).

Tomorrow is my free day and I am gonna play soccer again. Woohoo I love Wednesday, but Thursday will be a killer for me.

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