Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 21 in Korea

Countdown: 94 days.

Today is my most "siong" day - Game Theory from 10:30am to 12pm, S.A.F.E meeting from 1pm onwards, Computer Animation from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, Lab from 7pm to 9pm. I kinda hate Thursday.

Lucky for me, today I met James (Bond), Max and his 2 cousins and we all go for a Guys' Night Out to noraebang near Gung-dong. The city life lights up in the night and you can see all the flashy lights firing away into the sky with young and hot-blooded Koreans littering the streets. We went to this "Singapore"-style karaoke and we sang our hearts out in the room like little mad boys on steroids. It was fun - we laughed, we cheered, we jeered and we partay in the mini room like we own the entire place. After 1 hour of throat breaking session, we went to a beef barbeque place nearby to have our supper before going back to munji dormitory. Man, the beef + vegetables + the side dishes were fantastic. Too bad I left the camera in the car, else, I would have shot them and enticed you, my viewers!!

All good things must come to an end and so we went back to ICU @ 3:25am, waited for the shuttle bus and took the 4am shuttle. I feel so alive!!

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