Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 35 in Korea

Countdown: 80 days.

Brrrrrrrrrrr... The temperature today is 18 degree celsius + raining + wind blowing and I only wear tee + shorts + a sling bag to school... Shiok~ The cold air is freezing my body and I can feel my heart beating profusely.

I went for Game Theory class in the morning and I saw a different Hye Ji today. She looked much more matured with her hair tied up and she wore hot pink heels to class. She didn't look too good to me, in fact, her left eye was a little swollen and her face is like quite puffy - must be all the late nights of mugging. Poor girl. I wanted to say a word of well wishing to her, but I guess I never had the courage to approach any girl I like to say it to them. I may seem extroverted on the outside, but inside I am just like any other shy guy.

After class, I went for lunch in the cafeteria and I had supah spicy pork kimchi stew with rice, but totally tongue whooping. I have to attend a weekly SAFE meeting to plan an English week activity, but as all of you know, I am bad @ organizing event, so this meeting is kinda total waste of my precious time since I have to leave early for my other class.

Since my Computer Animation lecturer is away for a meeting in Seoul, so I have time off and so I decided to go for my Intro to Multimedia lab to do some openGL coding. I never enjoyed lab so much and in the evening I have Computer Animation lab. We are getting hand-ons for the animation stage and it is totally cool. I need to do lots of read up for the course cuz I think I am too slack and it is weird to slack off in a subject even though I am enjoying it but at the end of the day, I am on the losing end. My dad didn't foot $1.4k to send his son to Korea to slack. I better make sure my dad is assured of his investment in me.

I finally solved lab 4 today (after some tips and advice from my T.A) so I went for early dinner @ Isaac's Toast for my usual MVP Toast then return to school for lab again. Thursday is always a "siong" day for me cuz I have classes from morning 10:30am til night 9pm. Athough I have sufficient break in between, but the feeling of class not over is getting on my nerves.

Today I have hit episode 16 of "We Got Married" and I must say it is fun to watch this tv series although we all know it is fake wedding and relationship. When celebrities get to be themselves, it is the funniest. I never felt so much joy watching couples fight, joke, do things together etc. Sometimes I watch it, I will think about the things I did with my ex-gf and it is just so beautiful - the quarrels, petty arguments, late night chats, go out, holding hand, making small talks, whispers of sweet nothings and blah blah blah.

I am so jealous of my past.

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