Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 40 in Korea.

Countdown: 75 days.

Temperature reading: 17 degree celsius.

And so I went for my Game Theory lecture as usual. I shan't talk much about Hye Ji since I don't even have the balls to talk to her face-to-face. Today we are starting on a new topic - Mixing strategies. Fun and exciting and helps me to understand how humans operates based on payoff/reward system. Class ended, I collected my previous assignment and I wasn't so shocked that I got 3 marks for it. Afterall, I am only aiming for D+ and above *lol* Emilie and Anne are badly affected by it because back home, their education system is such that is u get anything less than 50%, you fail :) In Asia, there is such a thing called bell curve!! and I love it!!

Lunch wasn't fantastic - noodle (otherwise, known as ramen). I am gonna have a test in the noon - Introduction to Multimedia. Okay, the test was rather general (as in really broad) and there are lots of ways to express your answers. Total 7 questions - no question papers, no marking scheme and no time limit, only a projector screen with a Word document that projects the questions and answers to be written on foolscrap people. I submitted my paper 1 hour later and head down to Dunsan-dong to order my guitar!! Ibanez ART120WH... Evil!!

neck type: ART Mahogany set-in neck
body: Maple top/Mahogany body
fret: Medium frets
bridge: Gibraltar III bridge
tailpiece: Quik Change III tailpiece
neck pu: LZ1-N (H) neck pu
bridge pu: LZ1-B (H) bridge pu

After that, I came back to school around 5-ish and settled down to study some Computer Animation since I have not touched the book since the day I bought it and there are dust on it liao. Later on, Divyan invited me for a sumptuous Japanese dinner @ Jeonmin-dong. Utterly grateful for the free and nice food!! Now I am back in the computer room doing my self study and I got a project proposal to submit and present on Thursday (which I have not yet done, so wish me luck!!).

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