Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 26 in Korea

Countdown: 89 days.

Hmm, maybe it is because I have been having too much late nights and holiday that I forgot I actually got a class this morning and I totally missed it. It is one of my favorite lecture - Game Theory where I can steal glances @ my eye candy - Hye Ji. I am so gonna take photo with her one day and make you guys jealous. Haha. So finally I got up @ 11:30am, washed up and get dressed for school.

I had ramen (aka maggi mee) in the school cafeteria before attending a boring lecture - Intro to Multimedia. After class, I am thrown with loads of assignments, homework and lab work. I decide to do my homework in the computer room till dinner time where I headed down to Jeonmin-dong with Enazi, Emilie and Melodie to have chicken fillet, fries and wedges. Today is a little different from usual - we ate in the park nearby and were greeted by friendly mosquitoes who were feeding off our blood as we feed on the tasty meat and fries. I wanted to come back to ICU to do my lab, but to my disappointment, the labs were closed already. I guess I just have to continue tomorrow. So now, I am gonna watch my favourite reality tv series - We Got Married.

I have uploaded a couple of episodes on my other blog - http://neuro182.blogspot.com. Please go check it out.


Unknown said...

I can take a picture of Hei Ji and you tomorow if you want ;)
It will be your first step to her !

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

Haha, maybe we can do it in class one day (when I am ready to) haha...