Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 23 in Korea

Countdown: 92 days.

Today the Koreans hail Chu-Seok (also known as Thanksgiving) and they declare 3 days holiday til Monday (now how come we Singaporeans don't have such a festival?). All my friends have gone back to their respective home town and the streets are uber quiet and most of the shops are not open, so it sucks for me. 

I got up uber late, round 2pm cuz last night we were out clubbing till late and the house music is still ringing in my head. I had to eat bread and wait for the French ladies to get ready before we head out in the evening @ 7:10pm to E-Mart to makan dinner. We had Popeye, (woohoo I thought only SG has Popeye) then walked around to shop for some daily necessities and foodies before going to Time World to watch Mamma Mia *for all the musical and ABBA lovers out there, this is the right show for you*

Shortly after, we took a cab and taa-daa, I am back in my room, writing this boring blog.


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