Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 31 in Korea

Countdown: 84 days.

Finally, I have been here for 1 full month. Today is Sunday and so as usual, I will go to church. This week, I visited Sae Ro Nam International Church. The church building is uber big, but to my disappointment English service is conducted in another building which is so much smaller and it used to be a restaurant. Wah. Major letdown, but hey I have no complaints. I got free shuttle service to fetch me from dormitory to the church. The sermon today is about "The Prodigal Son". We can take home 3 important lessons from this parable, but I can only remember 2 pointers cuz I didn't jot down the notes and I think they are relevant to me.

 (1) do not be hasty in making decisions (sometimes we get impatient and miss out on the good plans that God has for us. When we are hasty, we become irrational and make decisions that sometimes hurt ourselves and the people around us).

(2) the freedom we wanted is sometimes not the freedom that God intended for us.

I get to meet a couple of people from other part of the world - Africa, America, Indonesia, Mongolia etc. I left shortly after to roam about the streets of Dunsan-dong (the happening area). I went to Time World to shop, then window shop around the area, went to Starbucks for my Green Tea Latte!! I saw a Converse leather bag which I would like to get and the iPods here are cheap!! I want to get one when the exchange rate is good. Last week SGD $1 = 808 won. This week is sad - SGD $1 = 768 won. I went back to school by bus 513 and I met Emilie along the way. She didn't tell me it was her birthday today, but kindly invited me to a dinner later @ night with Emma and the rest of the Frenchies.

We went to 2ND for dinner and it is a restaurant that serves foreign foodies!! I ordered Carbo Pitta (Pizza with Carbonara sauce and fillings) + fried chicken fingers coated with mustard sauce and lettuces. We had lotsa fun eating and talking and debating between the Sino-Korean tension that is in subtle existence in the society and talking about my favorite girl in Game Theory class - Eun Hye Ji!! I was given a couple of dating tips from the experience ladies themselves and I realized I have so much to learn about making a good impression and maintaining it. Sometimes I feel that it is so hard being a guy.

Anyway, we left the place around 8 plus where Emma and I travelled back to school while the rest of them retreated to the comfort of their rooms in Hwaam. Along the way, I had a hearty chat with Emma about Hye Ji and how should I improve myself as a guy and make myself more presentable in the Korean context.

So after that I went off to the computer lab to study on my own and the day ended with a nice draw between Chelsea and MUFC. Woohoo!! It is so weird. The Korean news only features Ji Sung Park in the replays and all the nice shots of him. Wah, it is super propaganda!!

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