Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 27 in Korea

Countdown: 88 days.

Today I got no class, so I got up late and went to school in the noon to finish my lab assignments as well as my Game Theory homework. I then went to play soccer with the university soccer team - Aquila (seems like I am one of the strongest player there *lol*).

After the game, I met the 4 French girls for dinner in the school cafeteria and then went back to continue my lab assignment. The C++ codes are really squeezing my brain and I figured I will just submit whatever I have completed even if it does not fulfill some of the requirements. Oh yah, I bought new pair of soccer socks from the Expo Core near my school and also a new thumbdrive (2gb) cuz the Toshiba thumbdrive my mother gave me must have been spoilt due to my mishandling. I am so dead!! 

I came back @ 11pm after finishing what I have to do and now I am going to watch "We Got Married"

Check it out on my personal blog -

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