Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 38 in Korea.

Countdown: 77 days.

Temperature reading: 13 degree celsius with forecast of rain tomorrow.

Weight check: 73.75kg.

Sunday is always a good day. You dress your best and head on to church and meet wonderful people. I just made friends with a young dude, Samuel, whose dad is an English man and mom is a Korean. He is a gorgeous young boy and we are good buddies now, right after yesterday encounter. After church, I had lunch with Travis and we ate out @ McDonalds. We had a real good chat before we part ways. He went back home and I head straight to the Galleria to shop. Shopping alone is dangerous. I saw too many things which are too nice to be missed and there ain't nobody to give me 2nd opinions, so anything goes for me. Luckily I was able to control myself and eventually bought just 1 item - Ipod Nano Chromatic (Orange). Man, the deal was too good to be true. Singapore is selling it @ $248, but I rode on the good exchange rate we have and bought the Nano @ $220. On top of that, I got a tax refund since I am a visiting student so I got a rebate of $10 (to be collected before I leave). That makes the deal even more tempting - $210 compared to $248. Man, I sound like the uncle from the marketplace I used to hang out with my grandmother and cousins.

After that, I went back to dormitory because I had to prepare for the main event of the day - Jjim Jil Bang (aka SPA)!! Woohoo, there were a total of 9 people - 4 guys and 5 ladies. Of cuz the spa is separate for males and females. It was a culture shock for me. Although in NS I used to shower with tonnes of naked men, but this time it felt really weird to see many *ahem* rambutans. I had to strip down naked too and it was really embarrassing (or rather uncomfortable). We went in for a shower and a dip in the warm spa (41.1 degree celsius). After that, we went into the furnace - 69.9 degree celsius and I could literally feel my body melting away, but it was good for the skin and may help to reduce some fats from my body. We stayed there for 3 minutes before we realized that it was too unbearable. Then we jumped into the Massage Bath pool which was ultra cooling and there are some water therapy for the body. When we are all done with the water, we went for a 2nd shower where we cleaned and dried ourselves up and then went over to the other levels where we ate and have fun and did dry sauna-ing. I manage to sweat away some of fats while watching SBS tv channels. The whole place operates 24/7, which means it doesn't close and there is no limit as to how long you can stay in there, so we just keep exploring around and running about like it was in my own house. Shiok~

Finally, the time has come for all of us to return back cuz tomorrow got class, so bo pian, we have to go and shower for the last time and then chiong back to Hwaam dormitory by cab. It was a gre8 and fulfilling day!!

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