Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 19 in Korea

Countdown: 96 days.

I am so tired today because last night, I stayed up late to watch "Windstruck" featuring Jang Hyuk and Jeon Ji Hyun. It is a darn sad show and I am sucker for these kind of shows. I went for my Game Theory class and there is one thing I really hate about graduate students - they like to act like they know it all and ask lots of redundant questions in class. I developed a philosophy today: Geraldosophy - when things are simple,do not complicate it. When things are complicated, keep it simple. After that was a sumptous lunch - rice with pork. Not exactly tasty but still passable.

I went to computer lab to chill abit before going for my Multimedia class. The lecturer seems to enjoy murmuring to himself and I can't really understand him very well. I had to read the notes and follow on my own. The class was very short, so I quickly went back to dormitory to leave off my barang barang then chiong back to school to meet Enazi who bought me to buy my 1st ever cell phone in KOREA!! I bought a Samsung phone which I have absolutely no idea what model is it, but it looks good and it is maroon (close to red!!) - everything for just SGD $55. Song boh~

Due to large amount of language barrier, we came back to ICU late, but still in time for the welcome party organized by the student club UnI, to welcome international students. A huge saving on dinner for me!! I met more English speaking Korean friends and went to their dormitory in school and chill out with them, drinking coke and coffee, playing pool and table tennis.

What a fulfilling day!!

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