Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 32 in Korea

Countdown: 83 days.

Free day is not always a good day. I had lotsa work to do today cuz tomorrow is a mini quiz for Game Theory and I had to work hard to impress my eye candy. I settled down @ Isaac's toast for a MVP Toast before heading to the school computer lab, but again it was closed, so I had go to the computer room @ level 1 to do my self mugging then I met James in the evening to go to Dunsan-dong to check out some electric guitar cuz I wanna get one before I leave Korea.

I went also with James to his music academy - half an hour for guitar and half an hour for vocal training. I must say the place is rundown, but the quality of the recording (he did a mini recording over some popular tracks) is super darn good - almost can whoop SG's ass. I met his parents and we had a mini chat before we came back to ICU.

Today blog is short because tomorrow I got quiz, so see you guys. Nights~

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