Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 14 in Korea

Countdown: 101 days.

Today I went for my Game Theory lecture and I got my first assignment for the season... YAHOO!!! Finally I got things to do, constructive things to do!!! For the past week I have been lazing around and all my subject modules are not confirmed and I am just a wandering ghost moving between lectures, appearing at one moment and disappearing at the other. This is the lecture I look forward to every week. It is a business course, but I call it the arts module. Why? There is no right or wrong answer; just how you justify your stand. Woohoo. Smokey smokey~

After lecture, I went for lunch and then attended the SAFE meeting. SAFE meaning Student Association For English *lol* What kind of lame name is that? We are supposed to plan a program with the students to promote English. Their kind of activities are like speech contest, English quizzes and all those academic stuffs blah blah blah. No wonder this university is so boring. I propose song writing or like an English debate contest where we dish out controversial topics for people to argue and maybe poke fun into. They seem a little afraid to execute the plan. What a wuss. The teacher in-charge got this damn snobbish kind of face and attitude, but then again, who am I to judge?

Back to a more important topic - I can't seem to thank God enough to make the impossible possible. Last week only 6 people signed up for the Computer Animation class and the entire course was supposed to be closed by this week due to lack of numbers to kickstart the course (min. of 10). Asking 4 people to last minute join this class would take a miracle and God performed that miracle right before my eyes. He enrolled 5 more people into this course and that makes 11. Woohoo~ God is good!! Anyway.,this course is darn important to me cuz it is a level-4 elective module I have to take, die die also must take in NUS. Since I am here, why not take it and then S/U it? Haha~ Shiok... I got my hands on 3D animation using this program Maya Unlimited 5.0. It is super duper awesome. You can create your own characters/objects using the template shapes and polygons or being tracing them out using a pre-made image file. AWESOME DUDE~

Okay, I haven't eaten anything yet so I am gonna head out to Jeonmin-dong, just behind school to makan. Take care take care take care!!

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