Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 29 in Korea

Countdown: 86 days.

I love Friday. Thank God it's Friday. Friday lectures are the slackiest among the days I have. It is like having 2.5 days of school a week. Woohoo~ Shiok!! Today I watched a film by Zhang Yi Mo, entitled "Raise the red lantern" which depicts 1920s monarchy and male chauvinism in China. The film is great, but unfortunately stretches over the lecture time and I had to meet Max and James for sok-khal-be (pork bbq on stone) lunch. It was uber delicious and we had purple rice (top quality rice in Korea).  Later on, we head over to Expo Core where there is a Woori bank branch. There I made my first Korean bank account and received my first Korean debit card (see above picture). At first I thought, what a name for a bank - woori (sounds like worry), but after clarification, woori means we or together in Korean.

James drove Max and I back to school before he went for his haircut session near school. I chill in the computer lab for a while before going up for my final lecture of the week - Intro to Communication. Trust me, the lecture is not fun at all and the lecturer seems to behave like she was under drug influence. This kind of course is quite smoky (meaning, easy to bluff your way through) so I won't be focusing too much effort on it. She guided us through the 1965 Rosenberg Self-Esteem test and I scored a healthy 17/30, meaning I am a confidence person. Anything below 15 meant that you have low self-esteem.

It was 6pm so Max and I were a little hungry and we went to eat pork bbq dinner. Trust me when I say I am not rich but still can afford such meals because Koreans simply love bbq foods and there are so many stores offering it that it becomes a perfect competition market in the area (pardon my economic terminology). I am starting to get accustomed to the kimchis and Korean side dishes.

Since tomorrow I am going out with Ha Mok and Sung Jin, I figured I will be better off coming back to mug a little so as to make up for the weekend playing. Until tomorrow, nights.

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