Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 25 in Korea

Countdown: 90 days.

It is finally Monday, the start of a new week, but then again, Chu-Seok festival spills over from last week, so today is still a holiday for me. I got up late and saw Muugii (my room mate) eating food he brought from last week's Chu-Seok celebration. I, in turn, went to Jeonmin-dong to have my meal @ Lotteria. I ordered Giant Double burger. It is not exactly as fantastic as the picture suggests, but still a very nice eating burger.

I went back to school to find Max and retrieve my watch, then again the piggish me followed him and his cousin to Jeonmin-dong to eat Sam-joke-sal (in English, 3 layer meat aka bbq pork). It was super duper delicious man and man, I love Korean BBQ. It is the true blue thing you can get, as compared to SG. To spice things up, we had 2 young and pretty babes sitting near us and it definitely sizzles the atmosphere!! *whistle*

I met Muugii back in school and we head onto this store Hi Mart (which is like Sim Lim Sqaure in SG) and then proceed next to E Mart to get our daily groceries. The day ended off in James and Max dormitory room where we chill and talk cock and play guitar and sing the night away!!

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