Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 28 in Korea

Countdown: 87 days.

I almost could not wake up for class this morning, but still I forced myself out of bed. I seriously need to sleep early, but the thing is, I am hyper in the night. Thinking about Game Theory makes me all excited!! HYE JI for the win~ However, the end of the class was a terror for me - I got back my assignment 1 and I got 6/20 for it. What the world is going on? Feeling down, I went to the cafeteria to drown out my sorrow by eating ramen (Koreans pronounced as ra-mi-ern and Singaporeans just call it maggi mee). I also busted some cash on Computer Animation textbook - 29,000 won. Woohoo~ I must be crazy.

After lunch I went to Mr Jung Il Lee office to collect my alien registration card and a letter from my ex-gf. Suddenly, I am loss for words. For a moment, I couldn't think right or rationalize. As I read the letters, memories of yesteryears come crashing through my mind and I was overwhelmed with many unspeakable emotions and feelings. I guess I had a revelation at that instance about myself - I begin to look back at my past.

Then I went for SAFE meeting cuz they gonna organize some English academic-cum-"fun" activity for the semester and decide to engage the help of foreign labourers like me. I hate going for the meeting, if not for friends, I would have quit long time ago. This club is seriously boring.

Lucky I have to left early for my Computer Animation lecture. This week lecture, we talked about different types of curves, b-splines, nurbs, rendering and modeling in 3D world etc. The memories of CS3241 comes flooding my mind. What is more - this is the 1st time I am ever happy and un-bored to be in the lab doing up animation stuffs. Firstly, no programming codes need. Secondly, I am actually getting hands-on lessons to do up my first ever animation project!! Nice-si (Koreans like to pronounce it this way). But shucks, I must submit a pre-proposal for my animation project on 1st October. Ottokay ("how" in Korean)??

Never mind, hack it for awhile because James is bringing me out for Haejungguk (Korean beef rib soup) to reward me for helping him out with C++ programming. Easy job, but great reward. Inho also joined us. I learnt some foul Korean language which I would not share with you guys since I am a *ahem* clean guy.

End up we talk cock and joke till 2am in the morning. I hope I can wake up in time for tomorrow lecture @ 10:30am.

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