Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 15 in Korea

Countdown: 100 days.

Where should I begin? Movie and Society class today was superb. I had a lot of fun learning about films, movies and cinematography. We also discussed quite on social, cultural and industrial impact. Man I just love the assignments - we have to watch 2 movies (it is compulsory), Independence Day and Good Will Hunting.

After class, I went for lunch as usual and I had this Japaghetti (which is supposed to be Japanese-styled spaghetti) but it tasted nothing more than a black-sauced Maggi Mee!! *Disappointed* I went to computer lab to do some self-study (woah that is a result of really bored-to-the-point-where-I-don't-even-know-what-to-do-anymore syndrome) until 2:50pm before hitting my last lecture of the week - Information Policy.

Here is the tricky part - the lecture is conducted in English as per normal, but the textbook is in KOREAN language?? How the heck am I suppose to read and understand the course if the textbook is in Korean language and they didn't even prepare an English version or a similar text in English. I am doubly disappointed. In the end, I decide to drop the course after attending it for 15 minutes.

End up I went back to dorm to put my bag down and then met the ladies back in school for Duc-Khal-Be (Korean BBQ) dinner. The ladies never fail to fascinate me with their uber phobia of spices and what was little to me was quite "HAWT" for them!! I had a fun time laughing @ their misery. We met Enazi along the way for coffee before going back to school to meet the UnI club members to hang out @ Jeonmin-dong (AGAIN?). We hang out @ this bar and man, the jug is really huge!! I can just get fat on it. I also had my first taste of Korean Soju here (a little like vodka but very mild)!! Howard and I drank like there is no tomorrow. We played "Truth or Dare" and the entire crowd just gone wild, it was so darn FUN!!

Unfortunately, time do not permit us to stay long as we need to travel to Seoul early in the morning to do some shopping!! Hehe... Good night for now.

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