Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 24 in Korea

Countdown: 91 days.

Today is Sunday and I missed church again. It is not healthy for me to do so because I got no one I can account to and I don't want to make it a habit. Someone please pray for me.

Anyway, I woke up around 3pm today, made my own Korean ramen (in Singapore, we call it Maggi Mee). Today is the 2nd day of Chu-Seok, so no shuttle bus to school. I had to walk all the way from my dormitory to school. It takes 10 minutes by bus, so you can imagine how long I took to reach school by foot. To cut the long story short, I met Muugii in the computer room and we waited for Max and his 2 energetic cousins to get ready before we set off to Jeonmin-dong for dinner. Max brought us to Lotteria (the Korean version of McDonalds) and we ordered set meals, chill and sat down beside 2 chio bus. Too bad, I alway forget to bring camera @ the wrong time. Darn!! After which, we went to a local lan shop to play Star Craft, War Craft & the Korean online Counterstrike.

We then hit back school to play squash and indoor golf. Woohoo. It was uber tiring but satisfying because it is the first time we did something different for the night. After thrashing all of them at squash (I am quite good @ it k, played a little during my first 3 months in TPJC), we followed Max back to his dormitory in school. His cousins suggested food + beer, so again, the nearest we can go is Jeonmin-dong (we could go further, but James is out and he is the dude with the car) and we hit Fish & Grill, an eatery which offers grilled seafood + beer. We ordered, strawberry soju (ooh, fantastic drink) + a hot plate of grilled seafood. We talk cock and have fun while poking fun @ my roomie's Mongolian accent (okay the funny thing is, Mongolians like to pronounce words very heavily, like seriously heavy) and Korean culture (like men always think they are the best and Korean guys aren't exactly good looking at all *lol*). They told me their female friends who went to Singapore for exchange and came back, learn to appreciate Korean guys more *like "What the Heck"??*

The night ended off with all of us parting ways - Max and his cousins to their dorm and my roomie and I to ours. Daejeon is starting to light up for me!!

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