Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 34 in Korea

Countdown: 81 days.

As you know, these few days I did not take any photos because there is that much you can do in Daejeon. Apologies for the lack of exciting photos amidst this dry period of my life because there is really nothing to do and I am gonna become a routine soon.

Anyway, today I have no class, so free day allows me to rest and to relax and to free my mind from unwanted stress. But there came my powerful room mate who storms into the room in the noon and caused me a whole load of disturbance - the lights, the music and the motion. I figured I should be a nice guy and just keep my comments to myself (considering we fought last night over petty issues). 1 thing that really gets to me is that, he told me to listen to his favourite song and the lyrics goes like "Get the f**K out!!" and it keeps repeating itself in the chorus. I am trying to keep my cool, but this dude is a good test of my patience. I am happy to say that I have walked off like a man.

So I came to school, not exactly school cuz I dropped off @ Jeonmin-dong to eat my favourite Isaac's Toast!! Ma-chi-soh-yeo (meaning, delicious). The auntie recognized me as a regular and I am happy to watch her toasting the bread for me. It feels like she instantly became my god-mother. Anyway, I went to school to do my self revision (this is unlike me, but I guess it is a good change for me) cuz next week got quiz and I have a homework to submit + a lab assignment to do. I am busy but I really enjoy being busy and I even have the time to watch "We Got Married" (kyul-hun woo-ri e-soh-yo) in the night, at the expense of my room mate :)

The moment came for me to go play soccer. Today turnout was disappointing due to the monthly university hour where most of the students have to attend. But it was all fun cuz we got to play against ICU Graduate students who were old but fit to the maxi spider. We drew 2-2 with them but I was rather disappointed at my performance and fitness level. I don't want to admit it, but I think I am losing my fitness and stamina gradually. I need to do something about it.

Night came and I returned to Isaac's Toast for my MVP Toast and straight after, I head onto the computer lab to do my coding. I seriously can't solve the codes and I guess I just have to submit whatever I have in hand, knowing I may not do well. Die~

Alright, that is for all. I hope I haven't been boring you guys out. Take care, I am turning in now. Nights~

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