Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 36 in Korea.

Countdown: 79 days.

Temperature Reading: 13 degree celsius.

One thing you should never do to a Singaporean cockster is to subject him to cold weather because no matter what happens, he will still strap on his usual plain tee shirt with a pair of Levi's jeans, with no jacket or windbreaker on and walk through the cold weather with a cramped face. That cockster is me. I freaking went to school with just a tee and a jean and the weather was around 13-15 degree celsius. I think I must be crazy.

Anyway, today is sports' day so noon classes are cancelled. I went for my Movie and Society lecture as usual and we watched a movie - Chasing Amy by Kevin Smith. It is a show that depicts homosexuality and liberalism of the States in the early 90s. The show stars an array of celebrity including Ben Affleck (Daredevil), Ethan Suplee (My Name is Earl), Matt Damon (Ocean Twelve), Joey Lauren Adam (The Break up) etc. Not to mention, the film is filled with ultra loads of f**k words and alot of statements either starts or ends off using God's name in vain. I was rather uncomfortable but I had to respect the class and the teacher so I just tried to avoid those touchy issues.

Class ended and I had a sumptuous lunch in the cafeteria - today menu is pork cutlet (as if I even enjoy it; the meat is not even fresh)!! So I head over to the computer room to do my homework since I am not participating in the sports' day and one thing I tell you about Koreans in ICU - they are operating on a closed door system. They are either too shy to come talk to you or they just hide in one corner with their clicks and pretend you don't even exist (of cause, I don't wanna stereotype all of them, but this is the vibe I am receiving; not just me, but many other foreigners here). You can see foreigners stick together and the Koreans among themselves. One very bad thing about this university - they allocated all the Koreans students to stay in-campus while foreigners are considered 2nd class and dumped over to a dormitory which is outside school and you have to take the freaking shuttle bus everyday. Not that it is a chore, but once you miss the timing, you are screwed. There is no nearby bus stop and the dormitory is so out-of-place from everywhere. Sucks!!

Also, 1 thing about their CCA system - they do not accept any intakes for newcomers or exchange students in the Fall semester. Everything must be done or auditioned in the Spring semester, after which there will be no more intake. What kind of nonsense is this? I came and I want to participate in some clubs and sports, only to be disappointed. Please, for goodness sake, if you are out there considering a university to go for exchange, PLEASE do not choose this university that I went. Why?

Reason #1 - don't be deceived by the large amount of courses they listed on the website. It looks good, but when you arrive, they will tell you most of them are not offered in this semester or some courses are only conducted in Korean or the textbooks are in Korean blah blah blah. They are so full of bullshit.

Reason #2 - this university is far from all the happening area. If you are one person who can thrive on minimal entertainment and enjoys living a routine and mundane lifestyle, most probably this university is the best for you. They even got an "ulu" dormitory for you outside school that nobody would even dare disturb you.

Reason #3 - like I said, people in this university takes pride in their studies, which is very true and they live it out in their lifestyle. So they do not have very much social life e.g. hanging out in the library is cool even till late hour and hello, it is not halfway through to mid terms yet. People here just study and study and study and the only thing they are really good at, is studying. Heck all the entertainment. As long as they get really good GPA score, they are happy and contented. Life to them is mugging!!

Okay I am done voicing out my sorrows. I wished I could join fen and company in Seoul. Why did I even choose this university?? Images can be real deceiving. However, I found some joy in making new friend, learning foreign culture and languages and I even have some friends who are part of my new renegade regime - play hard but study smart!! I have an advantage over them because I am English trained (kam sah hamnida Singapura!!) and my England is way more powderful than theirs, considering I got the gift of yapping and my expression is rich.

I think I must have typed too much today. Chi leh hamnida (Excuse me).

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