Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 1 in Korea

Countdown: 114 days.

Hi people,

I am typing this blog entry inside a furnace-like computer room in my university.

When I first entered the Incheon airport, everything looks about the same until I started conversing with 1 of the Korean waitress as I made my order in this cafe. I totally did not understand her and I think the same goes for her and their english is quite broken, not to mention that their pronounciation was rather atrocious. In the end, I had to make hand signals and signs to navigate my way through the order. If that wasn't enough, I was overcharged for a bus fare to somewhere near my university. The extra amount was about 5000 kwon, which translates to roughly SGD $6. The bus journey from Incheon airport to my university is unbelievable. I slept through a whooping 4 hours and took a cab which is surprisingly cheaper than Singapore.

I met up with my advisor, Mr Jungil Lee who is super kind to me and his english is top notch. He explained to me what needs to be done and gave me all the necessary information for me to survive during my trip in Korea. I am now hanging out with my roomie, who happens to be a Mongolian. Not exactly a cool guy, but not bad a person to hang out with (at least I know he won't cheat my money or do something dumb to me *lol*).

My room is a twin sharing room, with built-in toilet but it is super smelly and dirty. I think I am gg-ed for the 114 days I am gonna spend in Korea!! This should be all for day 1.

Will keep you guys updated more with each coming day. Don't forget to miss me :) Love love!!


Rachel in da House! said...

why is the in built toliet dirty and smelly? wah lao... mine is in-built toliet too.. dun scare me.. you noe wad..i am so going to bunk with my friends during the weekends.. i dun wanna stay in my room myself.. so scaryyy! and HK has typhoon... GG laaa.. my flight might be delayed.. arghh!

Hursss.. take care of urselfff.. update more kiess! =)

Rachel Pang!

jojo goes to Chicago said...

please, i think you'll be the one to do silly things to that poor mongolian guy. please dont spoil singporean's image in the mongolian guy's eyes..


The Boy in the White Loafers said...

dory: wah lau eh.. seriously he is a Mongolian version of Gerald.. except more lethal, he irritates me without even knowing it, but you know lah, i am 3 years older than him, so gotta be the good guy taking care of him.

rachel: sian man.. i now regret going exchange but never mind lah, can test my relationship with my ex-gf haha.. u better be careful know.. if u get blown away by typhoon, then really GG!! no more noisy bugger in da house liao!! the toilet in my room so dirty, i dun dare to walk in bare foot. i bought all the necessary things to clean up the place. now it looks a little more tidier!!