Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 3 in Korea

Countdown: 112 days

Last night I met up with a group of wonderful people and got introduced to a couple of nice dishes @ the dining area. Amongst them are Fauwah (a Saudi Arabian) who is darn good and cleans up all the dishes for us, Sunny (a Ghanian) who is like a fatherly figure, Ackmah (an Afghan) who is totally far from a terrorist. We had a gre8 feast and chat alot about different cultures and stuffs. I realized they are all graduate students and they started scaring me with all the work loads, projects, assignments and sh*ts like that. Afterwards, we sat down and enjoyed "The Departed" movie and also ate loads of takeway pizzas.

Today is a darn lazy day cuz I slept @ 5am in the morning, then I woke up @ 5pm in the noon - a total of 12 hours rest. Besides, there aren't much entertainment spots here, so I figured I will be better off resting than hanging out. I washed up and dressed up and then head to school for dinner. There aren't much makan places near my dormitory and it is 10 minutes away from school. Sucks!!

We had like fried nuggets, some kimchis and curry + this soup that tasted no different from water & rice. Total cost is 2500 kwon (which is around SGD$3+) and you can eat as much as you want. Cool right? Good place for a glutton like me. Afterwards, my roomie decided to hang out in the computer room to do his stuffs (he is pretty much a geek though, but a nice guy definitely) and I went out of the school through the back gate to venture into Canaan!!

True enough, Canaan was not very far from sight. There are alot of makan places here, shop houses, bars, beers, young Korean people hanging out!! Woohoo!! Lo and behold, I am back to my neighbourhood!! Too bad, I did not have enough time to move around cuz it was dark and I did not want to left hanging out alone. So I head back swiftly like Caleb and the 12 spies to report good news to my roomie. Sadly, he doesn't seem the least bit interested. Poor chap, I gotta educate him about how to enjoy life. I also discovered a couple of churches here where I can attend next week cuz I overslept and missed the session completely *guilty*

To all my friends out there: I really miss you guys and this trip magnifies your importance in my life. Darn it, I hate it when I can't hang out late and when there isn't any 24 hours eateries for me to choose from. Shoots~

I will heading back dormitory soon. School starts tomorrow - no orientation, no mid term break, no nothing. I am so screwed!!


Alexis-u-fern said...

Hang it there emo-boy-who-cried-in-the-airport!
LOL u are soooo GG-ed Im loving it...cant wait for more of your posts about how GG ur life can be for the coming days....woots!!!

-Alexis in da house-

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

I am already GG-ed... Gonna drop dead before I even come back...

Oh wait, I need to get my daily dosage of Soju and drink the nights away!!