Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 4 in Korea

Countdown: 111 days

Last night was a blast. Fauwah (my dorm mate) took me, my roomie and Enazi (another Saudi Arabian student) to eat tak-kau-be (Korean BBQ) in Jeonmin-dong area behind school. Power feast although I already had dinner, but chinese always like to eat right? (It is in our blood).

Afterward, I took a free ride on Enazi's bike to go down to town area to meet up with Mallas (a Syrian student in ICU) & Simuel (a Bulgarian student in ICU) @ the Shisha house. I ordered my green tea latte, which doesn't taste as expected (but still good). Enazi and Mallas had chai latte while Simuel smoked Shisha with Mallas (Apple flavour). I don't know what it is, but they told me it isn't addictive, just tobacco. I tried a couple of puffs and it tasted good, but nah, I am not a smoker so I just take for fun (Don't stone me please. Just trying out only). Enazi then gave me a ride back around midnight cuz school is starting.

Today is a good day and for the first time in varsity life, I am early by like 10minutes~!! I am so proud of myself. I went to my lecture theatre L401 and when I stepped it, it is like going into a tutorial class. What happened to the large hall with power up sound systems? Their LTs are like our tutorial rooms. No bull!!

I had my first lecture in ICU - Organizational Behaviour, conducted by Mr Chanhoo Song. He identified all the foreign students, but not me. Why? I don't looked un-Korean? Darn!! I figured it is easy for him to spot ang-moh than me. Sh*t. This first lecture gave me a verry bad impression of him because he got that "FEAR ME" kind of air around and the way he questioned the students is like demoralizing them. Some students dropped out of his classes for pevious semesters and he goes like "Hey you, you dropped this course 2 times right? What makes you so sure you gonna stay in this course again?". Wah lau eh, I feel like smacking him. He totally have no sense of humour and he did not know that he is subtlely crushing the student's pride. Dammit!! With me in the course are Emilie and Annie, the 2 of 4 French girls I know from my dormitory. We all have equal sentiment about this professor and he is definitely the last to be on my adviser list.

Lunch time beckons and we had a hearty lunch @ the cafeteria beneath the school. They served a variety of foreign cuisines, done in Korean style (haha how interesting). Enazi loaned me his motorbike to go Expo Core to have my passport photo taken (for alien ID registration). For the 2nd time in history, I have rode a motorbike in foreign land. POWER!! The feeling is shiok and good thing is, I dun have licence and I did not wear any helmet!! Woohoo!! Freedom!!

At the outside of the Expo Core, I sighted the 1st eve CHIO Korean babe i have seen in my 4 days in Daejeon. Coolio!! I took a snapshot (no actually 3) but very hard to see her face cuz she keeps turning away. Haix. Sucks. I will upload the peektures soon. The Expo Core isn't very much exciting and the stuffs they have there - pathetic. It is very messy and the stuffs there are like China goods. Damn~ Nonetheless, I came back to ICU a happy dude cuz now I can get my alien ID done and it takes 2 weeks to come (how comforting).

With the alien ID, I can pass bus card, phone lines and open bank account etc. Wowee. So troublesome. Anyway, smarty me brought digital camera to Korea without bringing my card reader, so now got problem uploading them to the net. Sorry but please wait, it is only temporal. I will upload the peektures soon enough.



Unknown said...

SIM wheres the girl PIC !!

calv said...

as cock as usual lar. now becoming a voyeur. hehe. anw quick put up the peekture since you took them. don't waste. bet you're really missing fong seng now eh. lean has officially taken over in raising the decibels in e-block. and we just beat c block at volleyball this evening.

hf said...

funny shit gerald ! and i thought u said life sucks in korea ! wahaha. have fun marn !

Oliver said...

sounds like you're having fun! take care dude.

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

BASKET!! Wait til u guys come and see my pain!!

I am in the middle of a Middle-Eastern Royal Rumble!! People here kill each other not with weapons of mass destructions, but with books, pencils and staplers!!