Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 6 in Korea

Countdown: 109 days

I woke up @ like 2pm, washed up and got changed into my new red-checkered shorts and head off to school for lunchie. Today, I ate the Oyako Donburi (a Japanese cuisine), but they did it in Korean style so no matter whatever dishes I ordered, they will still taste Korean food. Darn~ What was worst was when I stepped into their Co-Op - the pricing is incredibly DAYLIGHT ROBBING!! The prices of the stuffs there are more expensive than Singapore by easily $1-$2. Crazy man. The textbooks are limited, but the prices are sky high!! Woohoo!! I am so DEAD, somemore I don't think Singapore using same textbooks as Korea so I will have a hard time offloading them once the semester ends.

Later, I went for my noon class - Social Service @ 4:30pm. This course is PWNAGE!! My lecturer bought us sandwiches and cold drinks. Her name is Jina Lim. She started speaking in Korean language for about 10 minutes before she realized my cramped facial expression and asked if I am an international student *lol* Good, now I can pass off as a Korean guy!! This course is ultra slack, no lectures, no exams, no academic readings - just need to complete 20 hours of CIP during the 13 weeks when we are in school and we will meet on the last week of school to share our experience and feelings, then we will get a PASS & 1 credit (or 3 credits in Singapore Edu System). ROCKS!! So now, it is as though as taking 4 modules, but getting the credits for 5 modules.

Okie, finally I met Enazi, the super duper nice Saudi Arabian dude who always pay for the meals and he will keep telling me "It is okie, first time I treat, next time you treat.". But heck I have been out with him like numerous times and he always tell me that!! Is he senile or is he just rich?? I felt guilty cuz he always beats me to the bill... Cannot cannot... Blessing campaign eh!! I must bring him out to eat and bless him and maybe pray for him (which I will do later cuz he is bringing me to buy card reader, so I can upload wonderful photos for u guys to see!!).

The sky is turning dark now and oh yah, tomorrow got like a tour around school, organized by the Centre of International Affairs, so I may join them and take a tour around school (although school ain't that big, but yeah should be "fun"). Hopefully I can upload my photos to facebook later for all of your perusal.

1 hour later...

Yeah, I finally met Enazi @ the bike area and he is taking me to City Hall area to buy my stuffies. I got a chance to ride his motorbike again (without helmet). Oh yah, I thought Enazi was crazy when he told me to ride up the overhead bridge, but in the end we did!! And it was seriously crazy to the maximum!! I took a couple of shots for it. Shiok-ness!! Imagine riding above the road, woohoo!! I feel like a King!! Shortly after we went to buy the card reader (which cost me 15,000 won and they sell it for 18,000 won in school), we head onto the place where I feel like I am back in Singapore - STARBUCKS!! I ordered my fav GREEN TEA LATTE, but sadly the price is like SGD $1.50 more. The distance from ICU to City Hall is like from Kent Ridge Hall to VivoCity!! Yahoo!!

We tour around the area, but Enazi told me that weekend will be more fun cuz it will be crowded with people. I finally see some light in the midst of my darkest period of exchange.

City Hall - Here I Come!!


hf said...

place a tagboard man !! i wanna tag !

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

slowly slowly, will put need to go and get 1 from cbox first!!

Rachel in da House! said...

you look damns gay in the pink shorts and bag.. the shorts look too short and tight on you! haha

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

haha precisely... they call it the Chino pants!!

and please pardon the colour combi cuz I haven't done any washing since day 1 so i got limited pieces of clothings to put on my body *lol*