Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 7 in Korea

Countdown: 108 days.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! Yay~ Today is my birthday finally!! I have aged and become 1 year older *duh* Today is a good day. I never miss my classes, but then I got a problem - my "Computer Animation" class might be called off due to lack of students and if it happens, I am completely screwed cuz I don't have any core modules left to take and that my time in Daejeon would have been completed wasted. I mean, since all modules are S/U here, why dun I take core modules right?? I can score better @ non-core modules and if I take all non-core modules here, it means I would have to go back to SG to take core modules (and I am so dead!!).

Lunch was rather good today and I had "ramen" (Singaporeans love to call it Maggi Mee). It had cheese melted on top of it, so it tasted extra good, but also extra unhealthy. This dish will stay in my favourite list. Today I made 2 new Korean friends - James and Max. Max is our tour guide and he showed us around school. A very nice fella. Afterwards, we all (the 4 French ladies, me, Muugii, Enazi, Max, James and Fawaz) headed down town to Time World where we had our 1st McDonald meal together. After dinner, we went to K-Box (or what the Koreans would have termed as Noraebang). We totally sang our hearts out and party like wild buggers!! *see photos* The girls thought us some dance moves and it was smoove!! It was funny to see how Enazi and the guys were enjoying themselves. I think it is the 1st time they ever let loose and let go and I think it is healthy for them especially when they are always so caught up with their studies and research.

We then headed down to E-Mart (ooh the place where u can test out lotsa foodies and not pay for them!). I bought pancakes back to eat, as well as some snacks. In the end, we took a cab back to Hwaam dormitory. My dear roomie even bought me a present - an alarm clock (okie I am not being superstitious here alrite, but yeah it is just not a good gift although it is the thing I need the most in order to wake up on time *lol*).

I might be heading down to Seoul tomorrow to find fen and company. Till tomorrow, thank God that another day has passed and I am 1 day closer to home. I miss you guys so so much already!!


t.dorothy said...


Love, Enwei and Dot

The Boy in the White Loafers said...

hey DOT!!!!!

kam sah hamnida!!! how is everything in Singapore?? I hope u guys are *ahem* missing me a little already cuz I am missing you guys so much!!

I miss TEH TARIK, I miss eating supper with my homies and I miss all of you poking fun @ me... Over here, people just mug til they drop dead!!!

I am being surrounded by tonnes of graduate students, who doesn't know how to have fun. This is crazy.

Please keep me in prayer if u will. Send my regards to everyone @ Goodness cell...

Also, when will you be leaving for NY?