Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 102 in Korea.

Countdown: 13 days.

Today I was supposed to meet Nam Koong for lunch, but my usual self acted up and I can't seem to wake up, but luckily I messaged him somehow to tell him to postpone to Wednesday. Heng~ I went to Jeonmin-dong to makan Isaac's Toast again and then go to school to encode my project for Computer Animation. Freaking take super long time to encode the entire software and hardware version of it, but I did it anyway.

Since it is my free day, I make full use of it to study and review the chapters for Computer Animation (exam on Thursday) + finish up my project report. I also managed to squeeze some time to watch Madagascar II. Man, I tried to control my laughters, but the show is awfully hilarious!! It is rated 4 out of 5 for me. Please go watch it. The penguins and the newly added monkey alliance is ultra "OFF-The-Globe" funny.

My day ended with a meat pizza I ordered from Pizza Manna (6,000won) and I finished it while watching some teevo shows.

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