Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 104 in Korea!

Countdown: 11 days.

Today I finally met up with Nam Koong to have lunch with him. He brought me to this place where we ate the mixed pig organ soup. Darn, it is so nice and rocking. I love it to bits and pieces; it is like what we call "zhu cha tang" in Singapore. I realized he was sick, but he still bothered to take me out for a nice lunch. I feel so comforted. In the end, I treated him to a cuppa warm caramel machiato, then we walked back to school.

I had a presentation for the Computer Animation project I did on Bomber Man. Man, that 10 minutes inside the office, presenting to the T.As and the professor felt like 1 hour to me. They asked me lots of questions blah blah blah and I know my project isn't very professional, but I have like 4 other subjects to cope with, so I didn't have enough time to do a power-up one, compounded by the fact that I had to leave early so I have to complete and present the project 2 weeks before the deadline. Take that!

After the presentation, I went to meet Melodie and we chiong down to visit Pem. She got into an accident last week and was stuck in hospital. I hadn't had the time to visit her due to heavy work schedule, but finally today I gave myself no excuse even though I have exam tomorrow. She was warded in the LG hospital and when we arrived, she just woke up but looking very fragile. We sat and watch her and chat with her before I left with Melodie to E Mart to shop for our daily groceries.

It was getting late, so we took a cab back to school. She went back to dormitory from school and I stayed on to revise for tomorrow's exam. I still have to redo the Computer Animation project :( Sucks!!

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