Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Countdown: 3 days.

Today is major day for me - 2 major exams but I am glad to have said I conquered it with confidence (not that I know I will do well, but I know where does my confidence comes from).

1 more paper to go, but not so important, but still I will give my best to do well definitely and have no regrets (like what my capt in KR says, "Nobody who gave his best ever regretted it."). How true indeed.

My next exam, Movie and Society will be my final lap before heading to Seoul for a real good, no frill holiday!! And the thing is, this subject has no mid term but only 1 term paper and the enitre semester lecture is only 37 slides worth (ultra pathetic).

Everybody seem to be finishing their exams and I got this paper tomorrow. Cui~ Luckily Akmal and Fawaz treat me eat Pizza Manna for the last time (ever). Now I feel so sad, like don't want to go leh, but then I have to go, so bo pian, must leave my buddies behind. Parting is always the hardest especially when friendship and bonds are forged.

I will never forget you guys. Please don't forget me too. Remember the noise and the "This looks good" motto man!! Take care buddies.

Do You Know That...
A plastic bag @ a Korean supermarket cost 5 cents equivalent to Singapore currency. Hmm, a step in going green or pure greed for moolah? You decide.

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