Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Final Countdown: 8 days.

The day has come for me to present my project on OpenGL (Graphics Library). Since everyone was unprepared, the T.A told me to go first. So I obeyed and went up to do my presentation. I try to relax the mood as best as possible and the work the crowd a little bit since they look like they just recovered from coma. The presentation was fine and I presented all my points clearly and demonstrated on how does 3D modeling work (since the whole part I am already well-versed in CG lecture in NUS, as well as CA lecture in ICU). As usual, there are lotsa questions which I managed to answered back in a very steady and fluent manner and apparently, my answers are well received. The T.A wants me to use my project for next semester as 1 of the laboratory homework. Awesome dude!!

Now I have gotta meet Travis and Kevin cuz they wanna buy me lunch as farewell. Man, these 2 American guys really crack me up for the longest time in Korea. No matter what we talked about, they will subconsciously link it to the American Economic stuffs and start ranting @ how bad situation is right now. As the ignorant Singaporean guy, I just have to listen and eat my food as I listen cuz I have no clue of what is going on exactly *lol* But darn, we had minced pork with tofu and kimchi stew + this dessert that tasted ultra horrible to me. But it was a good time to spend with my buddies before leaving. We head on to Tous Le Jour (a Delifrance style store) where we had real authentic western dessert - hot Latte with a Mocha Scone. Nice~ Time flies and we parted ways, but it will be the last time I will be seeing Travis because I won't be attending church next Sunday and he is leaving for Seoul for the week. See you Travis, always will be missed. But I will see Kevin tomorrow so no goodbye yet haha.

I got a call from Annie and San-In and we are supposed to dine out with the exchange peepz @ Time World. I quickly chiong down to E-Mart and purchase my beanie + this really cheap winter jacket (since weather is really getting cold, like below freezing point) and went strai8 after to meet them.

We had a different style of Shabu Shabu today and it tasted good. Obviously, the moolah we forked out is also "good" man. Annie invited her siblings to join us - an elder brother and a younger sister. We met up @ Coffee Bean and got ourselves some caramel latte (thanks Annie, you rock!!).

We had a good chat and realized they were all born in the States *lol* ABK - American Born Koreans!! That is how cool lah!! Good times usually fly really fast, don't know why. We parted ways with them as the French girls took a cab back to dormitory and San-In, Muugii and me took the other back to ICU.

It was a wonderful day, as far as I am concerned. 3 more exams and I am done. Let's go!

Do You Know That...
In Korea, you cannot pour your own drinks. The opposite parties must do that for you and the same goes for you to others. Weirdo or respectful?

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