Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Day 103 in Korea!

Countdown: 12 days.

Wah sian tiao, I am late for Game Theory class and then I submitted my assignment late and now I suffer a 10% discount off my grade. Shittified man!! I submitted only 1.5 hours late and must discount till so jialat. Sucky school.

After class, I went for a sulky lunch @ the cafeteria then brought Emilie, Anne and Melodie to this cafe where we had some nice caramel machiato with latte art on the top of the coffee. Umm umm, smells good, taste good and looks good. The lady was nice enough to play classic French tunes for us (although I am clueless, but it sounded good). I had to rush for Intro to Multimedia lecture and it is my last lecture for this course. Rock on!! As usual, his lecture is boring, but considering it is my last lecture, I shall bear the pain.

Today I finally finish the production of my Computer Animation project and ready to present it tomorrow to professor. With everything set in motion, time to chiong for a SoMac (soju + beer) with Young Chang @ Dasarang. Again, I fell prey to the Koreans when he made me dunk the SoMac right away. I was almost gone, but this time I held my ground and stay firm. We talked about many stuffs, including girls, politics, Cheena-Korean differences etc. blah blah blah. As usual, I get away from the gathering scot-free cuz Young Chang offered to pay for me. Muahahahaha!! I am so cheapo right? Bo pian leh, Singaporean style!!

Now I am back in my room enjoying a warm shower and watching Heroes Season 3 Episode 11.

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