Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Countdown: 2 days.

Shiok, the feeling to know that today is gonna be my last day in Daejeon makes me extra boosted for my Movie and Society exam in the morning. Wah lau eh, the exam is like only 5 questions, each question 20 marks, but non-essay style; just pure definitions. Piang eh. I finished the exam early, then go for early lunch, then chiong back to Hwaam dormitory to pack up my stuffs and check out!! The feeling is so "SONG".

I came back and put my barang barang in Mr Jungil Lee's office, then went to my final Intro to Communication lecture where Miss Lee gave us back our scripts and our total final score was imprinted on the scripts. I got a whooping 97/100!! Thank God I did well. Miss Lee also treated us to Holly Cafe coffee since it will be our last meeting.

Time flies and we had to return for the farewell party for the exchange students (which is me!!). We meet up with the undergrads, as well as the grads and post-grads students and had a jolly good time eating and taking photos and chatting. I took quite a lot with everybody and suddenly, I don't feel like leaving @ all. I mean, friendship and bonds have been forged, no matter how sucky it is, they still remain a memory in me and I am gonna miss this bunch of coolios when I am gone *uGh*

So with a mixed feeling, San-In and I left for Gangnam in Seoul. We took a 2 hour bus ride to the station and a grueling 20 minutes walk to his house (trust me, the walk to his house is like a maze). We left our stuff @ his place, then went to Gangnam area to find Fen, Euwin and Chris. We met them @ this coffee joint, which I forgotten what is the name liao, then walk to a beer place to have fried chicken and beer and soju. Do you know how much good it felt to be hanging around your own people and chatting the same frequency as them. Finally, I feel so alive. We catch up on all the things we missed on each other's life while we are in Korea and share all our funny experiences throughout our stay. Due to the late timing and meeting tomorrow, we had to leave early. However, as we parted ways, San-In brought me to go clubbing @ this place called Noise Basement. It is ultra funky and hip and dirrrty as well. When I go into the club, I only have 1 objective in mind - just dance. I saw so many drunk innocent girls waiting to be preyed on and I feel really sorry for them. The guys are merciless and they will stop @ nothing to get what they want; some don't even dance, they just scout the area for drunk ladies and then get their hands all over them. I feel so sick, but San-In told me it is normal; like what the?? We danced till we got ultra sweaty, then ciao back to his house. I tell you ah, the taxi driver no give face one. His house damn near to the club but they don't wanna fetch you. They rather fetch those going to far places!! We waited 20 minutes in the cold before this kind uncle came along and fetched us home.

Do You Know That...

Despite the biting cold weather in winter, girls will alway have the strong will and strength to wear mini skirts with a pair of legging!! Welcome to the fashion world of Korea!

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