Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 73 in Korea.

Countdown: 42 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 838.88 won.
Temperature reading: 12 degree celsius.

My Sunday morning was greeted by a call from Deacon Yoon who offered to drive me to church since he is free, so I accepted the offer. Nice guy eh. I met Divyan in church and today is a special day for him because he is gonna get baptized and invited me to watch the ceremony, so I accepted the offer as well. The main church interior looks good man and I saw many Korean people there. Luckily they got a trans-receiver for English translation. After the baptism service, I left for Galleria to buy my trench coat from Tate :) Looks good man and some more it was on offer, so I had to grab it but I totally have no clue of how I am gonna wear them in SG. Darn~

I rushed back to ICU after my purchase for a friendly soccer between the graduate students and Akmal invited me to play for them. Hmm, not bad a score 2-2, considering most of us are unfit (including me). It is fun to play with a bunch of uncles and I didn't even know Fawaz and Akmal can play good futbol. Kudos!! We proceed to shower after the game and went to Jeonmin-dong

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