Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 91 in Korea.

Countdown: 24 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 945 won.
Temperature reading: 9 degree celsius.

Haha, today I managed to wake up early for the Game Theory. The quiz is of okay standard but I think the last question I removed the wrong strategy and calculated the probabilistic average of the 2 remaining wrong strategy combi and now I am gonna kill myself. But hey, I don't need no A's for all my credits, so chillax only!!

Today is a good day cuz my Computer Animation lecturer decided to give us a break from the lab session, so push the lab session earlier (since we got a 3.5 hours lapse in between the lecture and lab session) and we can go enjoy some cultural performance which is happening in the auditorium tonight. After the performance, I went with the French ladies to eat Shabu shabu, then coffee @ Coffeteria.

Now I can't even sleep with singlet and boxer shorts. I must wear jeans and jacket to bed. This sucks. I wanna go back to Singapore, the sunny island.

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