Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 76 in Korea.

Countdown: 39 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 854.54 won.
Temperature reading: 16 degree celsius.

My second free day of the week; I slept @ 4am and got up @ 6 plus cuz I got a bad tummyache and then went back to sleep til 2pm. I went to Isaac's Toast (like what's new right?) and have my usual menu. Today I met an unexpected guest - we call him engineer Muujipp. He is a tall Afghanistan guy and his fashion is cool. I look up to him (like lterally). We had a short chat and he begins to pour out his thoughts and feelings to me. You know, I alway have a mindset about graduate students - I used to think that they are lifeless buggers working their asses off day and night to get good grades, in the hope of getting a better pay and a better life. Looking at Muujipp turned my perspective 180 degree. Little did I realized that often, they do not crave for this kind of hectic life. I mean, who doesn't want a good life in the futre? Everybody does, but the journey towards that goal is often plagued with sleepless nights and brain squashing assignments and more researches after researches. Poor fellas.

So then, I came back to ICU to do my lab project. Hmm things looking good so far except that my programme couldn't do face detection, which is critical for the homework. I need to work on it more. But guess what, time is up for soccer match!! Yipee, time to go get changed and chiong down to soccer pitch to play soccer with the Aquila team. I am so thankful to have a team to train and play soccer with; kinda help me to keep in shape before going back to KR for IHG in December.

After soccer, I went to makan alone :( cuz San-In has a class @ 7pm and the menu today is good - rice, seaweed soup, kim chi (forever), bean sprouts and mini Octopus with rice cakes. Shiok!! I eat until wanna vomite siah.

Later I came back to computer room to watch webcast for yesterday Game Theory class cuz I missed it. Argh, I better dun miss the class tomorrow. A 'siong' day awaits.

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