Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 78 in Korea.

Countdown: 37 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 890 won.
Temperature reading: 10 degree celsius.

I am contracting the "Wake-Up-Late" disease cuz everyday my average sleep time is 4am plus minus. Darn. My biological clock is ultra cui now. I went to Movie and Soc class late (approx late for 50 minutes) and they were discussing about the relationship between watching a movie and developing a desire for its content. Then he starts to talk about desire for women and the sexual desires and blah blah blah. Omg!! There is a girl in class and he is talking about it outrightly. I feel bad for the girl. After class, Sekwon and I went to Jeonmin area to eat DonKatSu (some Japanese food). We chat about his successful entrance into Samsung Corporation (a dream job for many Koreans) as well as some economic stuffs (hmm, I never imagined myself to dig into topics like that). He was nice to treat me lunch, so in turn, I bought him coffee and we head back to school because I gotta finish up my lab homework and print Intro to Comm lecture note. Today Farhad is presenting, so I gotta be there to support him.

Clock hit 4pm and we were all settled into the class. Farhad stepped up to present the lecture on group communication and leadership role. Man, there is so much I can learn from this guy in presentation. He gave really good examples and tonnes of them + he explained them well and he flow with the slides and time. I was just rushing through the presentation last week because of the Halloween party and I think it was a little rush since I ended the lecture in half an hour *lol* Power.

I went with San-In for dinner after class and played table tennis for a short while before we came back to school. I had to submit my lab homework and retype the lecture note for Intro to Communication, then chiong down to the basketball court to play street soccer with the taekwando guys. Darn, we lost 7-4 but Fawaz and I each bagged home a goal.

Amin fetched us back in his car and we showered and get ourselves cleaned and head over to the kitchen for sumptuous Pizza Manna!!

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