Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 99 in Korea.

Countdown: 16 days.

Hmm, today no Movie and Soc class, so can sleep in later cuz the weather is totally killing me, like this invisible monster biting hard on all parts of my body. I went to school for my last Intro to Communication lecture, but don't know why it is the most boring of all the lectures. Firstly, she over-explained, she paused for too long and she dragged the lecture for too long. My final exam for this course will be 1 week after and I am slapped with a final assignment. Tooooooooooooooottt!!

After class, Dong Hyun and I chiong to Jeonmin-dong and we ate @ Buldonseongdo, a restaurant opened by the mother of an ICU student and selling cheap Sam-geok-sal (bbq pork). We were relieved that the classes and the season is coming to an end and we can all go back to our homes respectively for winter break. The dinner is a

We separate paths after dinner and I have a final soccer match with the ITTP buggers before the season ends. It will be my last soccer match in Korea before I hit back shore. The weather is totally unconducive for sports now.

The day finally draws to an end.

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