Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 98 in Korea.

Countdown: 17 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 980 won.
Temperature reading: 6 degree celsius.

Ah, today is a long day for me, but I made it longer when I decided to stay up late to watch the UEFA Champ League - Barca vs Sporting Lisbon. Darn, I only had 3 hours to sleep or less. Nonetheless, I made it to Game Theory class. As promised, professor Kwon brought me and the 2 French ladies, Emilie and Anne out for lunch @ Bibi Space, an Italian restaurant near the school. The meal is uber delicious and we had a fun chat with the professor.

Later I came back for Computer Animation class. Wowee, today is my final lecture and next week I will ocmplete my solo project presentation + final exam for this subject. I can't wait for the next week to come and go. I wanna just finish whatever I have and just get on with life.

Today they are supposed to have a bazaar @ around 5:30pm so I went down to take a look, only to be disappointed by the size of the bazaar. Darn it man, these people don't put in effort to plan anything. They just think of an idea and they go ahead and do it. See the picture and you know why. The variety of items is crappy and somemore some of the stuffs are fake, zZz.

I finally finished all my projects and reports and stuffs, so I am now free to do my self study for the exam. I am pressing on!!

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