Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 84 in Korea.

Countdown: 31 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 919.483 won.
Temperature reading: 9 degree celsius.

I hate Thursday cuz I got 3 lessons - Game Theory, Computer Animation lecture and laboratory. What a busy day for me and my lecturer announced next Thursday got class quiz and an assignment coming up!! Like WTH!!

My lecturer for Computer Animation is not feeling well, so I got early dismissal and so I sneak back to Hwaam dormitory and steal some winks. I left with the 4:40pm shuttle bus to go back to ICU and helped the ICF out with guitar playing since the worship leader personally asked me to play :) After ICF worship session, I went for dinner with San-In and Steve (again) and had ice cream @ the snack bar before I leave for my lab lesson. Today we did wonderful effects with paint brush and made trees, flowers and loads of stuffs. Woohoo!! The lecture was about half an hour and the remaining time we are off on our own to do our animation project. My Bomberman still looks very 'cui' but I will properly model and animate that bugger before the end of the month, which means I only got about 2 weeks to do it. Good luck!!

I meet up with Fawaz and Akmal after class to go Isaac's Toast for a warm supper. The weather is getting chillier each day and I can feel the cold wind slapping my face over and over again. Darn. I need a pair of gloves and probably a face mask to shield from the crazy weather. We took the 12am bus back to Hwaam and I just got showered and I am going to the kitchen to cram alil. Ciao.

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