Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 92 in Korea.

Countdown: 23 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 989.79 won.
Temeprature reading: 7 degree celsius.

Tiring day it is, but I have the privilege to sleep in late cuz my Movie and Soc class is cancelled for both this week and next week due to the professor's marraige. Yahoo! So I only come to school for a guest lecture by this guy, Mr Park Young Min from a local animation firm, which produced an award winning animation, Tree Robo @ some expo convention. Down side, the lecture is in Korean (like what's new right?). Lucky I got a friend who can translate for me. Else, I will be left dumb founded for the entire session. It is fun because of the animations and all the effects we can achieve with computer animation + they are all over tv commercials and advertisements - good for my future job. But due to the language barrier, I can't understand what he is saying, so half the time I am just focusing on the slides and some slides are in Korean. Darn it man. These people are really pro Korean, aren't they? It is damn disgusting when people speak a language that you don't understand. If Korea is a close country, I can understand. It is a freaking international country and English is the standard yet their level of English is really poor. No offence, but I feel that in certain ways, they are acting on closed system basis.

I will be leaving in 23 days and I can't wait to go home. People here are really boring - all studies and little play. I came here to enjoy, not to mug, but people are too obsessed with getting A's, so let them be. I can't stay in this place any longer. Seniors usually tell me how much they enjoy during exchange, but mine has got to be the worst among all SEP students. I don't even need a freaking grade, so I don't care about whether I can score an A or not. The competition here is cut throat. People sacrifice leisure time for the sake of scoring an A. If grades are everything that determines their quality, I feel really sorry for them and the system they have to live with.

I feel so angsty now.

Heroes Season 3 Episode 9

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