Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 86 in Korea.

Countdown: 29 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to won.
Temperature reading: degree celsius.

And so the day arrived for our match against KAIST. We were all prepared on the field @ 1pm and had some fitness training + briefing by the coach before the match goes underway. Man, I don't know the Korean system, but they are playing 4 quarters - each lasting 30 minutes; like WTH?? I played in the third quarter, together with the reserve squad and I was assigned left wing back (zZz, I am right footed + my usual position is center midfielder, but I just took up the post nonetheless). I realized their idea of playing football is that everyone is comfortable with their positions - nobody make runs to empty spaces, nobody call for ball, everyone just stands static and wait for the ball to arrive @ their feet nicely. I did an Evra overlapping on the left and was told off cuz they said I played out of position. Yeah, it is easy for me to just stay behind the right winger and watch him struggle with 2 guys pressing on him hard and the center midfielders just stand in the middle watching and hoping this guy will do a miracle pass. They don't understand the meaning of slowing the game down and do some passing to gain momentum. No, their soccer is filled with 30 minutes of pushing and attacking, no rest, no time to hesitate, just go as near as position to the goal and shoot and hopefully, they can score. We conceded one goal in my quarter when I overlap the right wing and his pass was so superb that the ball went to the opponent instead of me and they attacked our left side hard and the center defender is like "gong" for awhile + he got no speed or muscle to hustle the guy and with an uber tight angle, he shot and scored in between the keeper. I rest my case.

After that quarter, I was a little frustrated but there was this Korean girl (a student in the university) supporting us and I looked @ her and suddenly, I don't feel so angry anymore. I got changed out swiftly and left for Dunsan-dong cuz I have to practice for a performance in Sae Ro Nam. It is an international event whereby all nationalities would come and celebrate and sing song in different languages. So I was tasked with the duty of playing the guitar. The practice went on smoothly before we are dismissed @ 9pm and I went to E-Mart to buy gloves and groceries before heading back to Hwaam dormitory.

Today, Akmal agreed to cook for us and so I eagerly anticipated his food. Shucks man, it is the same ol' tuna with spaghetti sauce and potatoes. Pem added to the variety with her homemade sauce for the rice. Malaz made brown rice this time. We all ate and talked and have fun. They are like family to me man. Later, because the television in the kitchen got some problem, we had to leave for school to watch the soccer matches in the ITTP lounge. The place is really comfortable and warm, especially in this season of coldness. We watched MUFC vs Stoke City and the home side beat them real badly with a score line of 5-0. On the other side, Liverpool beat Bolton 2-0 to stay ahead of the competition. Arsenal (my favourite team) is trailing with a loss to Aston Villa by 2 goals on away ground *sob*

We then went to Enazi's apartment to collect a mixer from him and took a cab back to dormitory to make fresh Banana juice *yummilicious*

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