Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 77 in Korea.

Countdown: 38 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 852 won.
Temperature reading: 16 degree celsius.

Thursday again, SIONG day alert. I woke up late today again, but no I didn't miss my morning lecture; I merely came in a little late. Ooh, I sat beside the TA and saw the pile of mid term scripts in the bag. Hehe, I am gonna get back my result soon!! As I was sitting behind Hye Ji the entire time, she was busy sms-ing man. Hmm, don't tell me she is attached?? I couldn't care much though cuz I was busy following the class. Lecture ended and the TA distributed the mid term test and our assignments and I happily went forward to collect my script. Fwah!! I got 85 for my mid term and 63 for my assignment!! Song boh~ I think only in Korea university can I ever get such good score!! I was literally on cloud nine, considering my other mid term results are fantastic as well.

This calls for a celebration. Just nice, Amy arranged to bring us (the 4 French ladies + me) out to Jeonmin-dong to eat Shabu Shabu (beef with soup and side dishes). Hmm, memories memories memories. I had this with a dear friend before I left Singapore *sigh* We met Yong Han and his senior in the Shabu Shabu place as well. Cool, but we didn't eat together cuz they were already done when we arrived. Amy did all the ordering for us cuz none of us are fluent with Korean language. All I could recall of that place is that I kept eating and eating and eating and we took photos with the beef + did some Wonder Girls poses!! So blonde-ish can!! After the beef, there was noodles and Korean porridge. Man, this is the best lunch for the week!! Thanks Amy, you roxXx!! Emilie and Anne left early cuz they meeting some Korean students to do nail art. The rest of us left later cuz I got class, Melodie needs to go to the hospital for checkup, Nina and Amy are going back to dormitory to sleep. Today Computer Animation class we went through some advanced modeling stuffs and it was quite interesting and I had a short conversation with the lecturer after class to see how did I fare and she told me to study hard and I should be right on track. Hmm, I don't need the A's so a slipshot work would get me somewhere, but obviously I don't wanna slack off since I am motivated by my good grades. Darn~ I hope I won't transform into a mugger toad.

Today dinner we had loads of people - San-In, Steve K, a girl, Muugii + me. We discussed some plans to go to Seoul maybe during or after school semester cuz now everyone is bogged down with work/projects/assignments and it is hard to coordinate a common time. We might go to Appujeong + Samsung station + Gangnam + club @ night; that is just tentative. I am guilty of not traveling since I was so lazy and I kept sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. Piggish me. After dinner, I went for my Computer Animation lab session and we did some C++ programming for the Maya programming, but from this week onwards, lab session will cut short to half an hour, so the remaining time we can use to do our project work. I am currently working on a mini Bomber Man project, so wish me luck cuz I have little time (really little time) to complete it with report.

Later I met Akmal, Fawaz and Malaz to go to Shisha house. Darn~ I told myself not to smoke them Shisha, but I was tempted and gave in real badly. I took a totally of (countless) puffs. Now I am feeling so giddy. We had pita + honey cappuccino before taking a cabbie back.

Time to shower and sleep *snores*

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