Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 96 in Korea.

Countdown: 19 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 983.
Temperature reading: 7 degree celsius.

Hmm, today for Game Theory class, my professor looked @ Emilie, Anne and me and proposed to take us out for lunch on Thursday cuz according to him, he did not have time to interact with us and so the lunch is to compensate for it. WOWEE!! I love it.

The day was normal, but I finally solved the problem for my project. I realized the old laboratory work I did for Computer Graphics class in NUS, which I intended to use for a current project in ICU had some compatibility issue. But thanks to the wonderful multimedia collection in ICU, I am able to install a MS Visual Studio 2005 version into 1 of the computer room computer and get my project up and running. Luckiest of luck is that my teaching assistance agreed to accept the project, despite the compatibility issue. Now my project and the report is done!! SHIOK!! One project down and one more to go.

In the night, I met San-In and his friends for beer @ Dasarang. They are nice people, but lethal to hang out with. You know, guys like me, don't really like my ego to be compromised, so when they dunk soju sand beer together, I gave the green light and I finished a couple of the mixture in 1 swallow. After 5-6 swallows, I am completely on the high and wasted. What happened after that I cannot remember, but I know I woke up again 7am to go to the loo and dunk loads of water before falling back to sleep again. Shucks man.

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