Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 90 in Korea.

Countdown: 25 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 949 won.
Temperature reading: -3 degree celsius.

Today weather is a chilly killer. The moment I opened my blanket, fwah! I immediately close it back cuz the weather is too darn cold for me. Literally freezing point. No choice, still must get up and wash up and change out and go have my lunch *ugh* Thanks to the coat Kevin loaned me, else, I will really die in the open with my yellow Adidas jacket.

Nothing much happened today; just mug mug mug in school cuz weather too cold, so no more soccer training + tomorrow got quiz. I tried to mug in the study room today but I end up dozing off cuz too quiet and after the 1st page, I literally laid flat on the table. Hmm, unproductive day. The dinner menu today was a little better than before - we had a potluck on top of the rice + kimchi + blah blah blah. Shiok!

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