Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 93 in Korea.

Countdown: 22 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 977 won.
Temperature reading: 7 degree celsius.

*Brrrrr* Suddenly it becomes too cold for me to get out of bed. The moment I opened my blanket, the cold wind rushed against my body and I had to take shelter in the blanket again. Darn. The weather is a killer. I woke up finally @ 3:45pm and had my lunch @ Isaac's Toast (to be honest, I don't know any place here that you can eat singularly because everywhere in Korea, they encourage group dining). I went to school to do my self-study for Computer Animation since exam is round the corner and then meet up with Akmal and Fawaz to go shop for groceries and Pem's birthday cake.

We finally returned to Hwaam kitchen. Pem and Enazi did the cooking while all of us tucked in to eat. Finally, the main event of the day - Pem's birthday celebration. I don't know but maybe as people gets a little older, they don't usually like to celebrate birthday parties. It was just a simple singing of the birthday song + wishing + blowing of the candles and we are done. Haha. We stayed on a little later to watch some Premier League matches and toot, Arsenal lost to Man City 3-0. I am so gonna cry!!

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