Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 89 in Korea.

Countdown: 26 days.
Currency exchange: SGD 1 to 934 won.
Temperature reading: -2 degree celsius.

Let's see, the weather is getting colder and today is a fine example, -2 degree celsius. It may be okay for some people, but definitely not for me. The hot sun whacking my face in the morning with the occasional bombardment of chilling breezes drives me up the wall. For the first time in my life, I feel so helpless; totally submitted to the mercy of the climate I have been put in. Goodness!

Emma brought me out to this little coffee house (really little + cosy) just by the alley near to Mr Pizza place in Jeonmin-dong. We went in for a dosage of artificial adrenaline, Machiato for her and Caramel Latte for me. The lady running the store is really young and she makes really good espresso + her latte art is superb!! I took the photo on my phone camera but I don't how to transfer it over to my comp. Sian tiao.

For the rest of the day, I just spend time doing up my Game Theory assignment (3 out of 7 questions done) + trying to complete my Computer Animation project (Bomberman Revolution). Things look promising and I should be going back home soon.

I miss the warmth and humidity of sunny Singapore. The weather here is totally unbearable. You can't many outdoor sports and you can even feel the chilly spikes indoor - whatever happened the heaters man?

Tomorrow, Saudi Arabia takes on South Korea for the 2010 World Cup Asia Qualifier. Tae-Han-Min-Guk!!

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